Karate Kid

from Running Press Kids
A goat kid loves to do karate! And he is sure to inspire young kids to try karate as well. Follow Karate Kid as se goes through the major stances and karate moves, teaching readers to channel focus and build strength through each pose. Karate Kid‘s simple, measured, and meditative text is complemented by playful yet instructive illustrations by Mark Chambers to teach youngsters how to get involved in karate–and to have fun while doing so, too.
And I Thought About You

Join a working mother and her child as they engage in a heartwarming, daily welcome-home routine. From the early morning, "Blup Blup" sounds of the coffee maker, to the "Zoom Vroom" sounds of playing in the park, this book celebrates the relationship between a working mother and her child. The playful images of the mother at work set next to the child's daily activities add to this warm and tender piece. "And I Thought About You" honors the unbreakable bond between mother and child.
A Look Inside
"A colleague of mine said that it was one of the best books that she had read for children of working mothers. I immediately purchased the book, and I could not agree more. It eloquently stated what I try to fumble to tell my kids every day."
-Mastering Mommy Brain
"Such a lovely evocation of life - ideal, and love - complete: life before the fall, each other where we are inseparably happy, thoughts without afters...Too often books for children have lurking dangers---here even dinosaurs and co. bask in gentleness, as they must have done, once upon a time."
"First and foremost my girls really liked the book. While my wife read it to them, I lay with my eyes closed listening to her read and I was so very moved. I'm sure if I was moved thinking of my wife as a working mother, or for myself but I cried silently because I was so touched by all the images, and the tenderness in what you wrote and how you described it. I wish you all the success you wish upon yourself, and I thank you. It was a very special family moment and not one I'm likely to forget anytime soon. If I do, I need only pick up the book again to be reminded."
-Todd, father of two girls